Op een ander forum dat ik met enige regelmaat bezoek, heeft de 'Leiding' het volgende in het leven geroepen:
All staff from today will let you know by Private Message when we moderate any of your posts, this is done at the same time we moderate so there is no guessing. We have decided to do this in light of the "Where has my post gone" threads.
An example PM as follows:
The post that you created in the following thread has been deleted
Post ID: Is the Brera any good?:
I have booked at test drive at Perrys and wanted to know what to.....
Thread: Brera - Test Drive Booked
Reason: Double post
We will always PM you when the following is actioned & with reasons:
* Thread Moved, will include a link to the new location.
* Threads or posts Deleted and Undeleted.
* When we make one of your threads Sticky.
* When we Open or Close a thread that you created, (Not Posts!!)
I hope this will clear up the manners surrounding our moderating and why.
Ik weet niet of er hier zoveel draadjes verwijderd, verplaatst etc worden, maar ik vind het wel heel hoffelijk...